Outreach: Is Your Drug Testing Program DOT Compliant?
June 17, 2019

$55 per registrant fee

Join us for our July Risk Control Seminar on July 16th, featuring Ryan Byers – Owner, Front Range Compliance.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019
8:00AM – 11:30AM (8:00AM Check In I 8:30AM Outreach Begins)
Flood and Peterson – 4687 W. 18th Street, Greeley, CO 80634

Flood and Peterson and Front Range Compliance Services is offering a Supervisor Training – Reasonable Suspicion Alcohol & Drug Testing.

This training is mandatory by law for all motor carrier’s employing CDL Drivers. The law requires all supervisors who have interaction with CDL Drivers to be trained and maintain a certificate of training on file with the employer. What to expect in this training session:

  • Trainer – Ryan Byers, Owner of Front Range Compliance Services, former Colorado State Trooper, and awarded DUI Enforcement Officer
  • What’s new in the world of drugs and marijuana products
  • Work place scenarios designed to assist you in real life situations
  • Forms and reporting procedures
  • Student manual designed as a reference guide to assist you with potential situations in the work place
  • DOT compliant training certificate

To register, call or email:

Nicole Hall, Front Range Compliance
(970) 646-1050 I nicole@frontrangecompliance.com

This outreach has been approved for safety credits by Pinnacol Assurance.