Giving Back Isn’t Something We Do
— It’s Who We Are!
Supporting Our Community Since 1939

We’re a company that reflects the positive attributes of the Northern Colorado communities that we call home. Greeley, Fort Collins and Denver are cities where the focus is on innovation, collaboration, and achieving shared goals. While we work with clients to help their businesses thrive, we also know that everyone benefits when more companies succeed.
In the same way, we support local organizations that create positive change in Northern Colorado and beyond, and we’ve been doing that since 1939. You could say giving back is in our company DNA.
Through the decades, we’ve supported nearly 200 organizations in various ways. In one recent year, our employees volunteered an estimated 2,300 hours for area charities. And these aren’t “marketing initiatives” meant to improve our image. They’re heartfelt actions performed for and on behalf of programs we care about.
We support a wide variety of non-profit, civic and trade associations through our leadership, time, in-kind services, and financial support. This support is provided by the company and by individual employees. It takes a concerted and collaborative effort to make an impact in the community, and we’re continually trying to do our part.
Community Support By the Numbers


